7 Reasons To Drink More Water (Proven By Science!) l The H2O™ Bottles 7 Reasons To Drink More Water (Proven By Science!) l The H2O™ Bottles – The H2O™ Online

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7 Reasons To Drink More Water (Proven By Science!)

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." 


Your body is a temple and it needs water to survive. Water makes up for about 70% of your body weight. Dehydration can affect you in so many different ways - from shrinking the tissue in your brain to slowing down your metabolism. So grab a glass and learn why you need to drink more water!

If you’re wondering just how much water you should be drinking, a good rule of thumb is to multiply your weight by 0.5 to give you the number of ounces you should drink per day.

Calculation: Your weight in pounds x 0.5 = oz. of water per day

Keep in mind that and if you exercise, you’ll need to add a few more ounces of water to your daily intake.

Below are 7 scientifically proven reasons why staying hydrated is the key to living a healthy lifestyle!

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  1. It Can Promote Weight Loss Because It Helps You Feel Full

Numerous studies have found that those who drink water before a meal lose weight faster than those who did not. It’s simple, the water makes us feel full and as a result, we eat less.

In one 12 week study, dieters who drank half a liter of water before each meal lost 44% more weight than those who did not.

  1. Drinking Water Will Increase the Amount of Calories You Could Burn

In two studies, drinking 17 ounces of water (a half liter) was shown to increase metabolism by 24 - 30% for up to an hour and a half. This means that drinking two liters of water a day could potentially increase your total energy expenditure by up to 96 calories per day. It is best to drink cold water, because then the body will use additional energy (calories) to heat the water to your body temperature.

  1. Clears Skin by Flushing Away Toxins

It’s probably not surprising to know that toxins in the body can cause acne and breakouts. Since water helps to flush out the toxins in your body, you can reduce the risk of pimples just simply by staying hydrated!

  1. Drinking Water Can Reduce Chances of Kidney Stones

The biggest risk factor for kidney stones is not drinking enough water. In a large study, people who produced 2 to 2.5 liters of urine daily were 50% less likely to develop kidney stones than those who produced less. So, drink up!

  1. It Can Help Your Mind Think More Clearly

A few studies found that dehydration can affect the structure of your brain by causing the tissue to shrink. Scary right? When we haven’t had enough water, our brain needs to work a lot harder to perform the same tasks. Prolonged states of dehydration will impact essential brain functions like planning and visuospatial processing.

  1. It Helps With Digestion

Water helps to dissolve fats and soluble fiber, so it’s easier for you to go number 2! When you don't drink enough water, the colon will actually pull water from stools and increase your risk of constipation. That alone should make you want to drink more water!

  1. May Will Prevent and Treat Headaches

Dehydration can trigger headaches in some individuals, and other studies have shown that drinking water can help to alleviate headaches once you already have it. Either way, it’s a great idea to drink some water if you feel a headache on the horizon.

Get the US top seller infusion water bottles. Create flavored infused recipes and drinks. Add lemon, fruits and vegetables. Five stars reviews. Buy H20 Now

We Got Some Tips to Help You Increase Your Water Intake with the H2O Bottle:

  • Fill up an H2O Bottle before you leave for your daily work commutes (both to and from work) and finish it before you reach your destination.
  • Have a drink of water before every meal.
  • Keep a bottle with you at all times - you’ll subconsciously start drinking more and more water.
  • Have a drink of water while you wait for your coffee to brew.
  • Try different types of water such as spring, mineral, sparking and flavored water so you don’t get sick of the taste.
  • Add fruits and herbs to give your water and body a natural boost of vitamins!

Get yours nowhttps://theh2obottles.com
